Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Snaggletooth days are ahead

So my son has a loose front tooth that he's been messing with the last couple of days. He pushes it forward with his tongue but lets out a fake whine whenever I try to touch it. I'm just going to let it come out on it's own and save him from the horror I went thru as a child. I remember my parents suggesting tying one end of a piece of string to my tooth and the other end to a doorknob and shutting the door. I think I blocked the memory on if I actually let them do it or not. I remember a tooth coming out while I was eating. And I remember a tooth falling out as soon as somebody touched it.

But, the thing that I will always remember (mostly because I have the pics for proof) is those school days snaggletooth pictures. My snaggletooth pics are buried somewhere at my mom's house, but my husbands are on constant display in his mom's dining room. If I wasn't afraid of retaliation I would post it, but know that missing front teeth, a greasy face and what looks like a leisure suit equals laughing until you cry.

Here's another thing I need to know. How much do teeth go for these days? When I was growing up the tooth fairy left one dollar, but I've heard as much as $5 or $10. I think with the way the economy is, the tooth fairy is going to have to determine price according to weight or something. What is the tooth fairy leaving your kids these days?

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