Sunday, May 13, 2012

A Mother's Day Reflection

I was 24 when I had my first child. It was two years almost to the day from graduating from college and I had not yet found that "dream job" I had been hoping for. But, the moment I found out I was pregnant, I knew that I was being called for a greater purpose.

It didn't come easy because I had a more than difficult pregnancy and a traumatic delivery, but once I held my son in my arms, all that didn't matter anymore. Then, during a moment of amnesia I suppose, I turned around and went through the whole ordeal again 2 years later.

I like to contribute my growth as a person to being a mother. I have always been responsible and a mother like figure, but when I became a mother I realized that it wasn't about me anymore. Everything I did from that point on was going to effect my children in some form or fashion so I had to change my point of view.

Through these nearly 7 years of motherhood, I have learned a lot about myself and sometimes when it gets overwhelming I reflect back on the things I know will help me along the way. Here are a few of my favorite quotes about motherhood that reign true in my life.

                   "Everything good about me, came from my mom. If I can be half the mother that she
                    is, I will consider Motherhood a success..."    -Unknown

                    "The greatest thing she'd learned over the years is that there's no way to be a perfect
                     mother, but a million ways to be a good one."    -Unknown

                     "The best part of being a mom is when I see my kids genuinely happy about
                     everything."   -Unknown

                     "Being a mother is the hardest job on earth."   -Oprah

                     "You know you're a mother when the smallest whimper from your child can wake you
                      from a deep sleep."      -Linda Poindexter

One of the things that I have figured out about myself since becoming a mom is that I have an exceptional amount of emotional strength and my faith is beyond my own comprehension. Of course, I learned from the best. Everything I know about motherly love came from my own Mama and Grandma.

So to them and every mother out there I say keep up the good work. Happy Mother's Day!

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